Taiwo is a data scientist, entrepreneur, and educator. He holds a Masters and PhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics from Yale University. As a graduate student, he specialized in analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing data, and his dissertation focused on computational and statistical methods to identify genomic targets in cancer. His expertise includes Random Forest (and ensemble recursive partitioning methods) for integrating and analyzing high dimensional genomics and clinical data. He has published works in Human Molecular Genetics and the Public Library of Science journals. He earned a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Information Systems from the University of West Alabama.Taiwo is the co-founder and CEO of SeqHub Analytics LLC, a data science consulting company, helping businesses derive actionable insight from their data. Through SeqHub, he leads the data science effort of a partner company, Neirbi Analytics (www.neirbi.com), where he directs predictive analytics efforts targeted at business outcomes in both hospitality and residential mortgage-backed securities domains. In addition to breathing, doing and teaching data science, Taiwo heads the Computer Science program of a K-12 private school (www.pierrepontschool.org), where he enjoys crafting innovative ways to make CS accessible to and fun for students.