Attend local meetups, meet enthusiasts with similar interests in technology and grow your network, develop yourself in an  inclusive environment with peers and stay up to date with all things Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Nigeria.




Our AI+ Community members are privileged to be mentored by our astute mentors for career development and growth.  See our mentors here .

Data Science Nigeria curates and provides training content and research facilities for AI+ Community members

AI+ Community members are recommended based on skills and community participation for internships and job opportunities as such opportunities arise

We provide research support to our AI+ Members to further research goals and objectives through our onsite research team

Our AI+ Community members get to participate in international conferences and those with proven community contributions are also sponsored to attend some of these conferences

Evolving opportunities and so much more


AI+ Campus Club:
Being passionate about creating strong and sustained environments where students can grow as well as prepare them for the future of work, we run free training classes in tertiary institutions as AI+ Campus Club meetups with a strong focus on curriculum, quality assurance and opportunity creation for all the community members.

To apply be a part of the AI+ Campus Club Community on your Campus;

AI+ City Community:
City-based AI+ learning meet-ups executed via a structured learning platform for secondary school students, pre-university students, university/polytechnics students and professionals, similar to the AIEveryday model currently being running at the AI Hub in Lagos with a strong focus on curriculum, quality assurance and opportunity creation for all the community members.

To apply to be a part of the AI+ City Community nearest you;

AI+ for Professionals:
Coming Soon!


Are you sure your genotype is AI+? Confirm your AI+ membership status/membership ID with the AI+ Telegram Bot. Click on the button to confirm your status.


Online Platforms Policy
In joining our online platforms we expect you to keep these rules about expected behaviour for everyone. These guidelines cover both online (e.g. mailing lists, social channels) and offline (e.g. in-person meetups) behaviour. Kindly use your best judgement and ask questions when not clear.

    • Be nice, respectful, helpful, constructive and collaborative: We are here to learn and grow together, let us do just that giving opportunity for every member to maximally benefit.
    • Always use good judgement, refrain from attacking and use appropriate language.
    • The theme is AI and Data Science, kindly refrain from posts that cannot be tagged as these.
    • No commercial posts or political posts will be tolerated: Those promoting, soliciting for, advertising for, referring to, or hyperlinking to commercial products, programs, or services, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or commercial enterprises. 
    • Report contributions that violate the rules and guidelines privately to the group Admins.
    • Kindly refrain from making obscene, abusive, harassing, threatening, off-topic, unintelligible, inappropriate posts.

Read the Community Code of Conduct ici

The Future is Shared

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