Innovating for the next billions requires a different analytical mindset and engagement approaches. The drive towards the achievement of the millennium development goals requires a need-based deployment of machine learning and artificial intelligence methodologies in ways that address fundamental socio-economic issues with significant local content.
Big Data is not an end in itself but a mean to solving complex social puzzles; demystifying underlying behavioural drivers buried in unstructured data, identifying multi-attribute alternative data when traditional data are absent, articulating the non-obvious insight due to digital divide or illiteracy and simplifying engagement channels in the natural language of the target audience via speech-based chatbots and USSD interface. This is the path to achieving Prof C.K. Prahalad’s 4As of penetrating the bottom of the pyramid (Awareness, Access, Affordability and Availability) and the Niti Bhan’s 5Ds (Development, Design, Demand, Distribution and Dignity) of integrating the socially excluded.
2018 is therefore dedicated to an exploration into the world of the underserved, unserved, digi-phobias, digital aliens, thin-file invisible customers and the over 50% in the critical mass through an intelligent use of machine learning and big data (structured, unstructured, audio, video or text).
Big Data/AI for Marketing/Sales/Customer Service Excellence for CMOs/Marketing/Sales/Channel Director, Marketing Managers, Brand Directors, Media Directors/Managers, Digital/Event/Sponsorship/Shopper Managers, Strategy Heads, Business Development Managers, Advertising Agency Strategy/Business Directors etc.
Release of Nigeria Sociographics Report for 2017
An extensive use of natural language processing to understand what shaped consumption, social sentiment, consumer confidence and which brands are well situated within these domains of social influence using social footprint analysis (Google search, social/media and blog comments and tweets)
April 2018
Kaggle competition 2- Image classification
May 1st 2018:
Kick off of Inter-University Machine Learning/Data Science Competition
June- August 2018
Campus visit for awareness and competition
July 2018
Kaggle competition 3 – Risk assessment in the high-risk segment
Data Science Africa Conference in Abuja
October 8-9
Executive Masterclass Big Data/Machine Learning/AI class
Everything Executives must know on Big Data, Machine Learning and AI in simple language of business impact and how to articulate an executive data strategy/vision for a company
For C-level and strategic decision makers
October 10
Big Data Economy Summit
Focus: Big Data for Digital/Financial Inclusion
Release of DSN multiple-variable Credit Scoring algorithm project (psychometrics, social media, online footprint, on-device mobile behaviour, social context, macro influences etc.)
October 10-15
Bootcamp and Hackathon
Focus: Deep Learning, NLP and chatbot development
Hackathon on multiple-variable Credit Scoring algorithm development (psychometrics, social media, online footprint, on-device mobile behaviour, social context, macro influences etc.)
November 2018
Kick of Data Science Nigeria Academy partnership programme
December 2018
Launch of Data Scientists on Demand programme.
Selection of PhD/Masters and volunteer research to work on 3 major