4 Tracks . 30 Speakers . 250 Finalists

500 Attendees


The Data Science Nigeria Artificial Intelligence (AI) bootcamp, an all-expenses-paid learning bootcamp that builds Nigeria’s capacity in the use of advanced machine learning and deep learning concepts and drives the application of AI for socio-economic development. 

The bootcamp is driven by a broader strategic intent to accelerate Nigeria’s development through the solution-oriented application of machine learning to solve social and business problems, and to galvanize a data science knowledge revolution improving employability, technological innovations and sustainable socio-economic development. This reinforces the DSN’s vision to create one million new jobs in the next ten years through world-class knowledge and best practices applications.


2020 AI Bootcamp Activities


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2020 AI Bootcamp Schedule

Day 1: Tuesday, October 20th

TimeBusiness Practitioners
Academic Researchers
Data Scientist Stream
Digital Explorer
9:00 – 11:00amOpening Event:
Code of Conduct, Journey to Bootcamp, Awards,
Daily Quizzes, Certificates and Requirements, Zoom Classroom protocols,
Introduction to DSN, Profile of Attendees,
Session Recording, Lithuania Collaboration.
Welcome Address:
Bayo Adekanmbi
Convener, Data Science Nigeria
Welcome Keynote
Dr Uyi Stewart
Chairman, Data Science Nigeria
11:00am -12:00pmBreak
12:00pm-2:00pmMicrosoft Analytics Suite for Business
Dr. Nnanna Orieke
R Programming end-to-end
Ezekiel Adebayo Ogundepo
Python Programming end-to-end
Funminiyi Oladapo
2:00pm -3:00pmBreak
3:00pm – 4:30pmBusiness Analytics
Dr Jania Okwechime
MSc/PhD Academic Research
Elaine Nsoesie
Data Visualisation with PowerBI
Chimaoge Esotu
4:30pm -5:00pmShort Break
5:00pm – 6:00pmBig picture Session: The Future of AI
Prof. Kirk Borne

Day 2: Wednesday, October 21st

TimeBusiness Practitioners
Academic Researchers
Data Scientist Stream
Digital Explorer
9:00 – 11:00amGeospatial Analysis
Alina Game

Wole Ademola Adewole
8:30 – 10:00am
Adas Keserauskas

Simonas Audickas

Justas Kalpokas
11:00am -12:00pmBreak10:30 – 12:00pm
Understanding Business Problems
Adas Keserauskas

Simonas Audickas

Justas Kalpokas

AI Bootcamp Postponed

AI Bootcamp Continued

Day 2: Thursday, November 12th

TimeBusiness Practitioners
Academic Researchers
Data Scientist Stream
Digital Explorer
9:00am – 11:00amPoster Session
11:00am – 12:00pmBreak
12:00pm – 2:00pmGeospatial Analysis
Alina Game

Wole Ademola Adewole
Artificial Intelligence for Social Good
Kris Sankaran
Knowledge Graph Best practices
Emeka Okoye
2:00pm -3:00pmBreak
3:00pm – 5:00pmGeospatial Analysis Alina Game

Wole Ademola Adewole
MSc/PhD Academic Research
Dr. Elaine Nsoesie
Mechanism Design
Dr. Eric Sodomka
5:00pm -6:00pmBreak
6:00pm – 7:00pm Big picture Session
AI Research for socio-economic development social good/RL/Game theory
Kevin Leyton-Brown

Day 3: Friday, November 13th

TimeBusiness Practitioners
Academic Researchers
Data Scientist Stream
Digital Explorer
9:00am – 10:30am“Digital Explorers” programme for female Data Analysts / Data Scientists A joint skill enhancement programme between Nigeria and Lithuania9:00-9:30 Digital Explorers – knowledge exchange project between Lithuania and Nigeria (by
Adaeze Sokan , Ventures Platform Foundation)
9:30-10:00 Alternative approach to technology education (by
Giedrius Žebrauskas, Turing College)
10:00-10:30 Building your career in the data science field (by
Jovita Vedrickienė, Vinted)
10:30am – 11:00amMr & Mrs Algorithm Voting
11:00am – 12:00pmBreakSession 5
Microsoft PowerBI
12:00pm – 2:00pmBigML end to end for industry users
Prof Thomas Dietterich

Guillem Vidal
Statistics for Machine Learning
Kris Sankaran
2:00pm – 3:00pmBreak
3:00pm – 4:30pmCareer Development discussion: Ladies in AI One-On-One session Uzo Mkparu Vice President/Group Head – CRM, FCMBOne-on-one Career Session
Prof Thomas Dietterich
Gaussian processes
Prof Neil Lawrence
4:30pm -5:00pmBreak
5:00pm – 6:00pmBig picture Session
Prof Thomas Dietterich
6:00pm – 7:00pmAI venture funding – emerging opportunities
Osayi Igharo

Day 4: Saturday, November 14th

TimeBusiness Practitioners
Academic Researchers
Data Scientist Stream
Digital Explorer
9:00am – 10:00amQuiz Time
10:30am – 11:00amLadies in AI open house discussion session
Wuraola Oyewusi
11:00am – 12:00pmBreak
12:00pm – 2:00pmReinforcement Learning
Dr. Remy Sekou
Deep Learning
Dr. Stephen Odaibo
2:00pm – 2:30pmBreak
2:30pm – 4:30pmGetting Started with Google TensorFlow for solving business and social problems

Adrish Sannyasi
Quantum AI Computing Introduction
Dr. Wale Akinfaderin
Anomaly Detection
Prof Thomas Dietterich
4:30pm – 5:00pmBreak
5:00pm – 6:00pm60 Data point for Nation Building Workshop
6:00pm – 7:00pm Award Ceremony


Frequently Asked Questions

A: No. Anyone can join the competition.

A: Yes. The competition requires no fees to participate nor does the event require any fees to attend.

The requirements to participate in the 2020 AI Bootcamp are:
    1. Register here: https://bit.ly/AIBootcamp20_hack
    2. Participate in the qualification hackathon as one of the top 250 on the competition leaderboard.
    3. Stick to the competition guidelines.

A: Yes. As the AI Bootcamp event is virtual, qualified participants can participate from anywhere in the world.

A: To participate:
    1. Finish the Qualification hackathon in the top 250, following competition guidelines. Register here: https://bit.ly/AIBootcamp20_hack
    2. Qualified participants will receive timely updates and links to join the event

A: To join the AI+ Community Slack channel, sign up for DSN AI+ Membership here, you will receive your membership ID and the link to join the Slack Channel subsequently.


A: To become a Data Science Nigeria Community Member, sign up here, you will receive your membership ID and the link to join the Slack Channel subsequently.
A: Only qualified participants can join this event.
    1. Register here: https://bit.ly/AIBootcamp20_hack
    2. Participate in the qualification hackathon as one of the top 250 on the competition leaderboard.
    3. Stick to the competition guidelines.
A: A certificate of participation will be awarded all attendees with attendance rates of 80% and above
A: Qualified participants will receive timely updates and links to join the event
A: To join a local DSN AI+ Community, find a stream and register here

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